Home > About Japan Comprehensive Cancer Network, Breast (JCCNB) > 2007FY
International Symposium (Basics of DCIS and New Developments in Clinical Care)
-How to spot borderline lesions, DCIS and invasive cancer, and prognostic prediction-
Date |
October 13, 14 |
Venue |
Tokyo International Forum |
Speakers |
- Werner Boecker (Professor at Munster University, Director of Gerhard-Domagk Institute for Pathology)
- Puay-Hoon Tan (Senior Consultant, Dept of Pathology, Singapore General Hospital)
- Jyunichi Kurebayashi (Deputy Director , Department, Breast and Thyroid Surgery, Kawasaki Medical School Hospital)
- Seigo Nakamura (Director of Breast Surgical Oncology, St. Luke’s International Hospital)
- Futoshi Akiyama (Deputy Director, Department of Pathology, The Cancer Institute Hospital of JFCR)
- Takuya Moriya (Professor and Director, Dept of Pathology, Kawasaki Med School Hospital)

NCCN/JCCNB Seminar (Chemotherapy, Palliative Treatment of Cancer and Prediction of Therapeutic Efficacy)
Date |
January 26, 27 |
Venue |
Toshi Center Hotel |
Speakers |
- Joan McClure (Senior Vice President of NCCN)
- Robert Carlson (Professor of Medicine, Division of Oncology, Stanford University)
- William Gradishar (Professor of Medicine, Northwestern University.)
- Mohammed Jahanzeb (Professor of Medical Oncology, Chief of the Division of Hematology, University of Texas)
- Tetsuya Yajima (Assistant Director-General for Health Science, Minister’s Secretariat, Ministry of Health, Labor and Health)
- Seigo Nakamura (Director of Breast Surgical Oncology, St.Luke’s International Hospital)
- Masakazu Toi (Professor, Department of Breast Surgery ,Graduate School of medicine, Kyoto University)
- Yasuhiro Fujiwara (Chairman of Departmentt of Laboratory Medicine ,NCCH)

Translation of Guideline
Guidelines for Treatment of Breast Cancer
- Breast Cancer
- Breast Cancer Risk Reduction
- Breast Cancer Screening and Diagnosis
- Genetics/Familial High-Risk Assessment:Breast and Ovarian
Guidelines for Supportive Care
- Distress Management
- Palliative Care
- Cancer-Related Fatigue
- Adult Cancer Pain
- Antiemesis
- Cancer-and Treatment-Related Anemia
- Prevention and Treatment of Cancer-Related infections
- Myeloid Growth Factors
- Senior Adult Oncology
- Venous Thromboembolic Disease